Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thanks for all of the support

I would like to thanks all of you who supported me for the Union County Board of Education. That you were willing to entrust your children's futures to me is humbling. I'd also like to congratulate Dr. Sharon Gallagher on winning the election. I am sure she will continue to work hard for the citizens of Union County.

While I did not win, other good Democrats did. Unofficial results indicate John Parker and Kimberly Morrison-Hansley won their races and I'd like to offer my public congratulations to them (I was fortunate enough to congratulate them both in person already.). So did some good people who are not members of our party. All of them will need our continued support as they confront the very real and very pressing problems that confront Union County's Public Schools.

The election may have ended but the issues and challenges we face have not. We must all continue to work towards making Union County a better place for all of its citizens. We must continue to be invovled.

Thanks again everyone.

