Friday, June 23, 2006

Welcome To The UCNCDP.Org Blog


Welcome to the blog. This blog has been created by the members of the Website Committee of the Union County, North Carolina Democratic Party. The blog, in the best Democratic (and democratic) tradition, is intended to provide for the free flow of ideas and opinions. To that end, we will moderate the comments to this blog only in extreme instances of potential slander or libel and, in the interest of keeping the blog “family friendly”, we will moderate comments for extreme profanity. In all cases where comments are moderated we will make every effort to not change the intent of the writer and we will note that the comment has been moderated. The primary focus of this blog will be local and regional issues of interest to Union County Democrats, comments and posts on any issue are welcomed and encouraged.The opinions expressed on this blog are those of the authors only and do not represent the official view of the Union County Democratic Party.


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