Friday, June 23, 2006



May 2nd was a day of mixed emotions for me. As an old-school, tie-dyed in the wool, liberal Democrat I was naturally disappointed to know that, in this election cycle, I would be excluded from participating in the election of our most basic local governing officials, the County Commissioners. By not putting a single Democrat on the ballot for County Commissioner, OUR party has conceded the race without a fight. Still, there were votes to be cast… As in all elections, when I approached the poll worker she asked for the usual information: name and address. But because this was a PRIMARY election, she rightfully asked for something additional: party affiliation. Rather than whisper, under my breath, (democrat), I loudly and proudly announced, for all to hear, “I’M A DEMOCRAT!” Let me tell you, heads turned (what few there were in a polling place on a primary election day) and I saw a few smiles. It felt good to announce to the world that I am, indeed, one of the brighter Union County citizens; that I am not responsible for the unnecessary disaster in Iraq, the Constitution-busting mess in Washington, or the childish name-calling and finger-pointing in Monroe! I think you will all find it refreshing and cleansing to make this same pronouncement. I urge you to give it a try! A good way to start, and to support the local Union County Democratic Party (and promote the website), is to go here to purchase and display your own PROUD DEMOCRAT bumper sticker. Try it, you’ll like it!


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