Tuesday, June 26, 2007

To the Vice President of the United States: A Request

Today, I received an e-mail from the Committee for a Democratic Majority, asking me to sign a petition objecting to Vice President Cheney's absurd assertions that he should not have to obey the law and, as mandated by Executive Order 12958, follow the same rules as everyone else in the Executive Branch for handling information (If you wish to add your name to the petition, you can do so by following this link). I thought I would share what I wrote:

You may remember this line from the past, Mr. Vice President. It was uttered by Joseph Welch when another man entrusted by voters had gone too far: "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

I realize that the only way to remove you from office is an Impeachment. There is a more honest and more honorable way -- one that might show that you recognize that your handling of this matter and your self-protective sacrifice of "Scooter" Libby does trouble your conscience.


Show the world, Mr. Vice President, that you still have some sense of honor. Resign.

I don't have much hope that the Vice President will listen to my plea. If he is unwilling to listen to the Constitution, who is he willing to listen to?

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